Thursday, November 8, 2012

Organize your entire life....

So on Pinterest I came across a pin that said Organize your entire life! Well, YIPPEEEE!!!! The post I've been waiting I clicked

Read the article....Oh DARN IT!!! She's not all that organized?  My hope is gone!  I sit here typing and contemplating all of the organizing I could be doing, but I'm not because its exhausting to be that put together.  Ya, I've been off for almost 2 weeks between Hurricane and Fall recess, but believe it or not doing nothing is exhausting.  No really, it is.  The anticipation of having to clean stuff makes me tired.  BUT I did accomplish a few things.  I have what I call an organized mess (bet you have one too).  It'll all get done eventually.  Gotta get out there and live too.  And more often than not I'd rather sit and make a crazy mess with my son than worry about cleaning it up!  Quality over quantity.

So, I will keep looking up tips.  Accomplish them little by little.  And what gets done gets done.

And if I see anything good, I will most certainly post it.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

From Bloggy Mom Challenge Nov 4

Sunday November 4, 2012

The image on my desktop screen...says "Inhale Love, Exhale Gratitude", a simple reminder in a life full of anger.  Remember to love and be grateful for what you have because it could be so much worse.  Remember the struggles you have overcome and that you overcame them.  Inhale love, Exhale Gratitude.....

Saturday, November 3, 2012

hack hack, cough cough, ahemmmm...

Oh the awful dry throat hacky cough!!! What do you do????
So far here are the home remedies I've tried and what I feel has worked

warm honey and lemon with a dash of cayenne (spicey but soothing)

warm honey and lemon (temporarily soothing)

warm honey and lemon with cloves (then chew one clove) - this actually worked the BEST

Saline nasal rinse to get rid of the drip (I bought the one for kids, just the spray)

Boiling water with Lemon Eucalyptus (kinda burns but clears you out)

I should have six pack abs I have coughed so much...Hoping the combo of any and all of these works!!!

I want to write something that will

Saturday November 3, 2012

I want to write something funny and inspirational.  I've read funny books about personal journeys that I have found inspiring and I would like to do the same.  Maybe there can be a movie about my life like Eat, Pray, Love.  I saved thoughts, txts, emails, situations all to be put together someday in to a silly little memoir.  I think it will make people laugh, make people cry, and help others.  My life has been an interesting journey that others wouldn't know by just seeing or talking to me or looking at all I've accomplished.  So, some day I want to write THAT story.